Read our Story
We believe in action, progress and growth. We have completed many milestones since we
have started our journey, but still we thrive to achieve more with passing time. Our company
was co-founded by Mr. Satendra Gupta and Mr. Kuldeep Chand ,quickly became a renowned
name in the real estate world.
Here is a brief about our founders and their journey.
Mr. Satendra Gupta holds a master degree in Business Administration and has earned the
name in the Real Estate world in all these years. He shares his expertise in varied fields such as
Insurance, Automobile and Real Estate.He is known toaccommodate and adapt his business
strategies to complement the quickly changing dynamics of the industry. From sharing
innovative and practical solutions to manage the scalable demands of the customer base, he is
the go-to person to seek guidance and expert advice.
Mr. Kuldeep Chand comes with a dynamic experience of more than a decade in the industry
and has been known to offer his expertise over the legal discussions. His insightful and futuristic
vision is a blessing to our company. His expert advice has created the framework to capture and
retain prominent clients in the market. He manages and owns up the administrative decisions of
the company.
About Both of Us
Our years of friendship have turned and grown into a professional relationship. Together, the
co-founders envision sharing sustainability and progress in the real estate industry. Our dream
is to let our customers live their dream of owning their dream home with us.
We vision to offer trust, reliability and innovation in our projects. We are known to work on
promised timelines and bring the joy of happy housing to your dream home. We work as a team
and are making sure to offer you a seamless experience in purchasing a home from us.